The Four Rooms




Meet Your People, Scale Your Business, And Expand Your Influence With An Event Curated for 7 to 9 Figure Founders

The online entrepreneurship world is ever-evolving. With new technologies and growing competition, rising to the top isn’t as easy as it used to be.

But some entrepreneurs
have cracked the code

They’re the ones blowing up online, making millions, and shaping the future of the industry.

So… What are they doing differently?

  1. They’re putting themselves in the right room
  2. They’re meeting the right people
  3. They’re keeping their finger on the pulse of what’s working

At our Big Annual Event, we capitalize on those 3 things to create a fun, lucrative, and memorable experience.

That’s why the top players in the industry choose to be in Four Rooms.

They come for the ROI…

They stay for the community.

“The best event I’ve ever been to.”

Molly Pittman | CEO of Smart Marketer

A 4-Day Event Tailored to
Maximize Your ROI

Our Big Annual Event has ONE main focus:


It’s an event designed to give you the insider knowledge and VIP connections you need to make quantum leaps as an entrepreneur.

“If anyone joins this mastermind and can’t ROI from it, I would be absolutely shocked.”

James Klein | CEO of Harmonium & founder of True Canine


STEP 1 >>

As soon as you secure your ticket,
we send you an in-depth survey

to understand your short- and long-term business goals and the challenges holding you back from achieving them.

STEP 2 >>

Our team spends 7-10 hours creating
an event track tailored just for you

to understand your short- and long-term business goals and the challenges holding you back from achieving them.

STEP 3 >>

We invite the top 1% experts of
online entrepreneurship

to give you insider access to strategies they don’t share anywhere else.

Past attendees have included Radha Agrawal, Jake Karls, Molly Pittman, Perry Belcher, Lavinia Errico, Joe Polish, Mike Koenigs, Garret Gunderson, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, Ryan Daniel Moran, Aleric Heck, and other top players you’ve seen on big stages.

The difference?

At our event, they sit 1:1 with you to talk about your business.

STEP 4 >>

We put together the event based
on everyone’s intake forms.

That is how we decide who takes the stage, who leads breakout rooms, what topics are covered, what parties to throw, what wellness activities to host, what food to serve, and even the venue.

(Yes, everything is tailored to you… Even the amount of downtime we plan so the event feels spacious, not rushed.)

“It really felt like they curated the entire event just for me.”

Matt Baran | Founder of Tubular Scale

Harder To Get Into
Than Harvard

Our events are by invitation only, by nomination only, and –in rare cases– by application only.

Getting in is hard because we handpick every attendee to ensure everyone present gets the most out of the experience.

We reject 98% of the applicants, which is why people say we are harder to get into than Harvard (which has a 3.2% acceptance rate). 

But the flip side to this level of elite exclusivity is that past attendees have gotten results like these…

Every Part of This Event is Carefully Handpicked to Accelerate Your Growth

That’s why you don’t get the same old experience, the same rehashed content, or see the same familiar faces you see at every industry event…

It also makes our events memorable.

“It’s more than an event; it’s a transformative experience.”

Tammy Pham | CEO of Conscious Partners

Our 2024 Big Annual Event will be the most lucrative and exclusive event you will attend all year. In fact… 

We guarantee it.

This is how much revenue our 2023 attendees made from a single event:
$500,000 - $1,000,000
$100,000 - $500,000
$10,000 - $50,000

(Yes, we surveyed them all.)

Here’s Our Secret Sauce To
Your ROI from the Event

This is what has earned our Big Annual Event a reputation for being one of the most impactful (and fun!) in the industry:

1:1 Time With Leading Experts

Getting insider access to cutting-edge strategies is game-changing – but only if they’re exactly what your business needs at that moment.

At our Big Annual Event, you won’t just hear from speakers on a stage.

You’ll actually sit 1:1 with experts who normally charge north of $5,000/hour to work on your business and solve problems on the spot.

“Their attention to detail for actually understanding your business and making sure that you connect with the right people at the stage you’re in, is honestly so above and beyond anything I’ve experienced at other events.

Jessica Pantermuehl

High Level Curation

Imagine sitting next to someone who has been through the exact challenge you’re facing in business, and is willing to share how they overcame it.

Or walking into the event as a hail mary to save your business, and walking out with an 8-figure partnership.


These are real stories from previous Four Rooms events.

And that doesn’t happen by accident… they’re all a result of high-level strategic customization:

From your room, to your event track, to who you sit next to, to our fun activities, to who will be in the room…

We carefully consider every detail of the event to give you opportunities you wouldn’t get anywhere else.

“Four Rooms has contributed to 65% of our revenue and helped us grow from a mid-6-figure company to a high 7-figure company in only 3 years.”

Jeff Sands | CEO and Co-Owner of Glow Natural Wellness

Networking With The Top 1%

Other events require a VIP pass to speak to the experts you see on stage, after waiting in line to get a minute of their attention.

But in Four Rooms, these experts are part of our community – and they’re the world-leading experts in all things AI, marketing, affiliates, wealth management, business growth, wellness, and e-commerce.

Our Big Annual Event is your best chance to spend time with the most influential people in the industry, and form real connections with them.

“If you’re a top-tier industry leader looking for a game-changing experience and an investment in your future, this is it.“

Kaneecia Johnson | CEO of Sawtooth Media

Our Unwritten Rule

Four Rooms is a community of heart-centered entrepreneurs who care about more than just scaling their businesses.

We show up to help each other grow in all areas of life, we celebrate wins and share our losses, and we become catalysts for making a bigger impact.

Every single person you’ll meet at our Big Annual Event is a giver, not a taker – and when the most brilliant minds on the planet get together to collaborate…

Megadeals are struck, friendships are born, and we create things we never thought were possible.

“It really feels like an extended family. Not only are you hearing from the experts at the cutting edge of who’s doing what in the industry…

But you’re in an environment that has been curated for you to get to know people that turn into lifelong partnerships.”

Anthony Whitehurst

Ready for your next million-dollar breakthrough?

The Power Of Relationships

Four Rooms is a peer-led community where the people you’ve paid to see on other stages, come to share their insights and learn from you.

We replaced the outdated event model of transactional handshaking with a curated environment for genuine connection.

Because the secret behind personal and business breakthroughs past the $1M+ mark isn’t the how…

It’s the WHO.

From new partners to lifelong friends, case-study-worthy clients, vetted referrals, and a hype crew that believes in your boldest dreams…

Who you meet and form relationships with can change the trajectory of your business.


Four Rooms founder and high-level entrepreneur connector

After grossing over $530M+ for her clients and shaking up the world of Affiliate Marketing, Amber Spears started a mastermind to help entrepreneurs scale their businesses through the power of connection.

In 2022, she shifted her focus from a more traditional business-focused mastermind, to one focused on the Four Rooms that make up our entrepreneurial lives:





Amber implements a level of customization that no other event offers, as she draws from her extremely well-connected network to handpick attendees for every event.

Her sole mission is to help you scale your business without sacrificing your health, your family, and what matters most in life.

Ready to join other heart-centered entrepreneurs who are redefining what it means to “have it all”?



High caliber speakers covered a variety of engaging topics, including entrepreneurial innovation, health, tax savings, strategic mindsets, advertising, venture capital, NFTs, and scaling companies. Expect to gain practical advice and valuable knowledge to help you tackle your biggest challenges.

2024 expert list will be finalized only a few weeks before the event due to customization. Get in early to choose

Molly Pittman

ceo smart marketer

Molly Pittman is a passionate marketer with a commitment to helping others build fulfilling careers. She began her digital marketing journey as an intern at DigitalMarketer in 2012, eventually becoming Vice President before leaving in 2017. Along the way, she achieved significant milestones, including managing over $16 million in profitable ad spend, co-hosting a popular podcast, teaching thousands of business owners, and speaking at major industry events.


Despite her early success, Molly experienced burnout, leading her to two crucial realizations. First, she understood the importance of work-life balance for long-term career success and started prioritizing self-care and personal life. Second, she discovered a desire for her work to have a deeper purpose and meaning. This led her to leave DigitalMarketer after five years to pursue her passion for teaching and helping others grow and make a positive impact in the world.

radha agrawal

CEO & Co-founder daybreaker

Radha Agrawal is an entrepreneurial force. She is the co-Founder, CEO and Chief Community Architect of Daybreaker, the global morning dance, music and wellness movement in five continents with a community of almost half a million people around the globe.


She co-founded, sold and invested in multiple nine-figure businesses in the wellness space including THINX underwear, is a best-selling author, speaker, DJ, inventor, and investor in mostly female-owned businesses.


She and her Daybreaker team spent the first 3 months of 2020 touring with Oprah and WW on a 9-arena sold-out tour where Radha opened every stop of the tour and led 155,000 people through a motivational movement experience with 30 dancers, musicians and performers behind her.


She and her team recently launched a science-backed platform called DOSE by Daybreaker, a first of its kind membership to practice JOY and developed a movement Method connected to the 8 virtues of joy. Her goal is to make “practicing joy” as ubiquitous as practicing yoga and meditation.


Her book BELONG peels back the curtain and shares how she and her team built the Daybreaker community around the world with zero ad spend and answers the questions, “how do I find my people?” and “How do I create large and meaningful communities in the real world?”.


She was named by MTV as “one of 8 women who will change the world” and has won numerous entrepreneurship awards and accolades on disruptive innovation.


Radha is currently teaching joy practices on DOSE every week supporting her members on their journey to joy, she is pioneering the field of Functional Happiness and writing her next book, “The Joy Ride”. She lives between Brooklyn and her farm in Rhinebeck with her family and her most coveted title is mother.

Danette May

CCO & Co-Founder of Mindful Health, LLC

Driven by a powerful calling to serve Mother Earth and humanity, Danette May has inspired & transformed millions of people around the world to step into their unlimited potential and their divine gifts. Danette May is the co-founder of Mindful Health and Earth Echo Foods, impacting people world wide through fitness, nutrition, coaching courses and superfoods. With over 500 Million views on her videos, Mindful Health LLC was recognized as the No.48 fastest growing company in the Inc. 5000. She is a sought-after VIP coach for celebrities and impact-driven leaders, a world renowned speaker and a best selling author of seven books, including The Rise & Embrace Abundance. Danette has been featured on Access Hollywood, CBS, Hallmark Channel’s Home & Family and WeRiseUp, the documentary featuring His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tony Robbins, and others.

Yanik Silver


He has been called a Cosmic Catalyst, a Maverick Mischief-maker and a Galactic Goofball.

He redefines how business is played in the 21st century at the intersection of more profits, more fun, and more impact.

Yanik is the creator of the Cosmic Journal, author of Evolved Enterprise and the founder of Maverick1000, a global network of top entrepreneurs & visionary entrepreneurs making a serious difference in the world, without taking themselves too seriously. In fact, it’s not unusual to find him dressed as a lemur, a showgirl or even in matching mermaid tails with Sir Richard Branson.

This group periodically assembles for breakthrough retreats, rejuvenating experiences, and impact opportunities (to-date raising over $3M+) with participating icons such as Sir Richard Branson, Sara Blakely, Tony Hawk, Chris Blackwell, John Paul DeJoria, Tony Hsieh, Russell Simmons, Tim Ferriss, and many others.

Yanik served on the Constellation board for Virgin Unite, the entrepreneurial foundation of the Virgin Group and Branson family. And his lifetime goal is to connect visionary leaders and game changers to catalyze business models and new ideas for solving 100 of the world’s most impactful issues by the year 2100.

In between checking off items on his Ultimate Big Life List, he calls Potomac, Maryland, home with his wife, Missy, and two mini-maverick adventurers in the making, Zack and Zoe.

That’s the regular stuff. Now the more interesting material:

  • He won the “Oscar Meyer Weiner” ice hockey shootout championship (twice) as a kid. His men’s league team still yells “Oscar Meyer” when he (infrequently) gets a breakaway.
  • He dressed as a showgirl in Vegas to surprise Sir Richard Branson on stage before a keynote …in front of 3000+ people.
  • He broke 200mph in a race car with nothing more than a green speedo on.
  • He was the 4th grade lead for the Tin Woodsman in The Wizard of Oz, and that was the start (and end) of his promising theater career though he can still sing most of his solo on demand.
  • His birthday is 9/25, and inside sterling silver, you will often see the number .925.
  • He snuck out at the age of 5 to buy markers with his Hanukah money—only to catch the wrong bus home and end up at the police station. Undaunted, his love of doodling still continues to this day!

Ryan Daniel


Ryan is a brilliant entrepreneur who has sold his company for over 8-figures, but more than that he is a devoted father, and wonderful friend. 

Ryan shows entrepreneurs how to scale to 7-figures, and then exit for multi 7- to 8-figures. He has an incubator that teaches you step by step exactly how to do that…and he has the most amazing track record of helping people achieve the life of their dreams.

He is the best-selling author of “12 Months to 1 Million”, Has a YouTube with 108,000 subscribers, and Is the founder of and The CapCon conference. 

Anyone that wants to build brands, and have a big exit, is going to want to drop in with him.

Aria Boushehri

CEO Salesbound

Aria is the visionary leader at the helm of one of the fastest growing outbound sales centers in the country, responsible for millions of dollars in sales generated for clients.


He’s is an experienced back-end sales innovator, entrepreneur, speaker, phone sales team builder, and call center creator. Aria is who many of the top vendors at networks like Clickbank and BuyGoods use to supercharge their AOV and LTV on their supplement and backend sales.


Aria started his career in sales 10 years ago realizing the uncapped potential a phone call can produce. He was able to help the #1 Fitness Youtube channel (5+ Million Subscribers) SixPackShortcuts generate $1.7 Million in monthly phone sales revenue. He then went on to become a Sales Director generating $1 Million in monthly phone sales revenue. He now continues to help multiple businesses drastically scale by leveraging phone sales with his own company SalesBound.

justin Francisco

FOUNDER upsender

Justin Francisco is a dedicated family man who finds great fulfillment in being a loving dad and husband. Since 2012, he has successfully managed and nurtured over 100 email lists, resulting in an impressive revenue of over 100 million through his exceptional email marketing efforts. In a significant milestone, Justin sold his affiliate marketing CPA network, Nexus Offers, to SMFL, a prominent public company, in 2021.


Driven by his passion for supporting high-producing health and wellness product owners, Justin co-founded Upsender in Early 2022. This exciting venture aims to significantly enhance the email revenue of these entrepreneurs. Upsender has established itself as a trusted partner, managing the email lists of several top publishers in the health and wellness sector.


When Justin isn’t focused on email campaigns, he values quality time with his wife and two children. They enjoy taking vacations to escape the weather in Rochester, NY. Justin also enjoys reading, golfing, meditation, and staying active through regular workouts.

thomas Mcmahon

director of partnerships development

Thomas is a Director of Partnership Development at ClickBank where he helps companies, clients, and partners grow through mutually aligned co-marketing efforts, solutions, and integrations. 

The offers he has helped to onboard and scale on ClickBank have done over +$550million in topline revenue across almost every niche and business model. He’s seen it all and can help identify what holes you need to fill in your business, offer, or approach in order to find success.

 ClickBank and its partners have realized hundreds of millions of dollars in mutual client growth and Thomas has been an integral part of it plus he loves to help good business happen with good people.



Chillionaire has been advising and training company sales teams for decades. He knows how to streamline the sales process and amp up sales for any industry which makes his net worth deserving to him.

He brings his years of expertise and experience in a groundbreaking course.

Kevin also talked about values in the Big Ticket Blueprint. And team up with Frank Kern for One Man Millions.

Rapid Selling not only teaches you how to sell, but how to sell quickly and effi

Joey Vaillancourt

President BiOptimizers

Joey Vaillancourt is the Head of Partnerships at BIOptimizers – an Inc 5000 company and the 3rd fastest-growing supplement brand in the US and the host of his top 10 ranked podcast, Partner Up Profits Podcast.
Joey’s specialty is creating strategies and systems for businesses to scale their partnerships program, including affiliates, influencers and omnichannel marketing campaigns.
Over the past 15 years, his partnership teams have grossed his clients more than $100M in sales by setting up 8-figure auto-pilot programs to turn products into brands.



Alex Miller is a Fitness Instructor and Women’s Health Specialist from Vancouver, Canada. She has been coaching various methods of movement for years such as pilates, prenatal and postnatal exercise, strength training, meditation, functional movement and running. She became well-known in the Vancouver community, teaching at some of the top studios in the city.

During this time, Alex began rehabbing women that were suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction. Using her education, experience, and in collaboration with top pelvic floor physical therapists, Pelvic Floor Strong™ was born.

Dylan Gaines

President IPS

Dylan is the President of International Payment Solutions. As the Former National VP Business Development at UMS Banking, Dylan brings over 20 years of experience with payment processing and specializes in assisting E-Comm Nutra and Affiliate Offers.



Dr. Michelle Sands is a #1 International Best-Selling Author and a licensed Naturopathic Physician (ND) with a specialization in women’s hormone health. As a highly sought-after expert in Female Hormones and Antiaging, she is dedicated to helping women achieve limitless health at any age. Dr. Michelle co-founded GLOW Natural Wellness, where she focuses on providing solutions for women struggling with chronic conditions and hormone-related issues.

Sachin Patel


Sachin Patel is a father, husband, philanthropist, functional medicine practice success coach, international speaker, and best-selling author. His philosophy is that “The doctor of the future is the patient” and he is actively doing whatever it takes to keep people out of the medical system by empowering them through education, self-care, and remapping their mindset.

Sachin founded The Living Proof Institute as part of his own personal transformation and now coaches practitioners all over the world on how to step into their power and save their communities. 

To date he has delivered hundreds of community workshops, he is an advocate for changing the healthcare paradigm and he has devoted his life to the betterment of health care for both patients and practitioners.



Eli “The Travel Guy” Facenda Is the Founder and CEO of Freedom Travel Systems. He and his team help 7-8 figure entrepreneurs unlock free luxury travel by maximizing their points and credit card spending. Their services provide a very simple and effective solution that enables CEOs save tons of money and time.Eli has spent 9 years In the travel Industry, has traveled

to 42 countries, and gets on average $100k+ per year of free travel on points. His biggest passion Is helping others come alive through travel and adventure. His favorite country is Japan and his favorite flight was Emirates First Class on The A380 where he took a shower at 35,000 feet.


Owner & CEO Capture social group

CEO and founder of Capture Social Group, Theresa began her career as an entrepreneurial fitness expert. In 2012 She started her Instagram page and used her business acumen and marketing skills to quickly dominate the social media space by successfully building multiple large, revenue-generating brand pages on Instagram. Her own personal brand page @TheresaDepasquale has over 219k followers and is still growing today due to it’s motivational and practical content.


With over 10 years of online branding and social media experience she’s become the go-to for personal brands and companies providing one-on-one consulting and management programs to help them successfully build their brand on social, and grow their reach, credibility and profits.

Seth Greene

CEO East 5th Avenue

Seth is a Nationally Recognized Affiliate Marketing Expert.

He is the author of nine best-selling marketing books.

Seth has grown his marketing firm to the Inc. 5000 fastest growing privately held companies in the USA.

He is the co-host of the #6 rated podcast, the SharkPreneur podcast with Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington, and the Registered Investment Advisor Show.

Seth has been interviewed on the news on NBC, CBS, featured in Inc magazine, Forbes magazine, and been on CBS MoneyWatch.

He is the founder of one of the fastest growing direct response marketing firms in the country.

Kate Vidulich

CEO next line consulting

Known as the secret weapon behind some of the biggest health and beauty brands online…

My copy has grossed tens of millions of dollars in just the past year for clients.

I’ve helped one of the top skincare companies in Direct Response go from 8 to 9 figures, and I’ve written multiple major controls for health supplements and in the personal development niche too. Plus I won email creatives and FB ads for a major finance company.

What do you need help with?
Direct Response Copywriting
Email Strategy
Email Copywriting
Marketing Funnel Consulting
Copywriting Coaching

Clients present and past include: Guthy Renker, Dave Asprey, Organifi, Ramit Sethi, Modern Millionaires, Dr Al Sears, Miami MD, Keto Konscious, Brooke Castillo, Agora Health, Just Thrive and many others.

Clients present and past include: Guthy Renker, Dave Asprey, Organifi, Ramit Sethi, Modern Millionaires, Dr Al Sears, Miami MD, Keto Konscious, Brooke Castillo, Agora Health, Just Thrive and many others.


Founder Thrive FP

As the founder of Thrive, FP and with over $1.5+ billion in total transactions value since 2011, JP has driven a level of success far above his competitors as he leads Thrive FP, one of the largest lender and investors real estate investment firm specializing in the multi-family sector of Texas. His commitment to enriching lives continues to evolve into a solid business model which outperforms his competitors through higher resident retention.

JP’s vision is driven by his unwavering commitment to using the best practices of putting people first, coupled with a core value for respect for everyone — all stakeholders — investors, residents, and employees.

In 2019, the company launched a nonprofit organization, Veritas Impact Partners, to provide health, education, and financial services for the workforce housing residents living in apartments. Veritas Impact’s Purpose: Revitalizing America’s Middle Class.

Thrive, FP, and nonprofit Veritas Impact Partners have proven their purpose-driven and profit-focused business model to be highly successful. Both companies are leading the way and creating change in the landscape of American workforce housing, and for the real estate investors, Thrive is building wealth the right way.

JP is inspired by “What’s Possible,” advocating a new way of doing business that goes beyond the normal Conscious Capitalism — a Purpose-driven Capitalism that has a transformative effect on society as a core focus and sees both profit and purpose as measures of success. He encourages other business leaders in all industries to adopt this proven successful business model believing that only through this shift in business practices will the necessary changes occur in society, economics, and the world.

His vision is for a world where everyone lives in thriving communities and building wealth and helping others are one and the same. He is passionate about enriching lives with every touchpoint is the solid business model that creates opportunities for their residents and stakeholders, making them healthier, wealthier, and wiser.

JP Newman is known for re-energizing society by creating better living and taking Conscious Capitalism to the next level.

Robert Poling

Partner Brandetize

Black belt in jiu-jitsu. Passionate family man, cherishing work-life balance. Embracing discipline and perseverance from martial arts in professional endeavors. Enthusiastic traveler, exploring diverse cultures. Actively engaging in community events. Let’s connect and create innovative marketing solutions together!

Kelly Householder

CEO clickbank

Executive leader with over 25 years of experience in leadership, solutions delivery, vision, supply chain solutions, marketing, technology roadmaps, and large-scale web and social platforms from startups to Fortune 500s.

Ryan Healy

COO Upsender

Ryan Healy has been married to Stephanie since 1999 and has six children. Yes, SIX! Ryan has also been a full-time copywriter since 2002. During that time, he’s written copy for 250+ clients, including Organifi, BiOptimizers, Earth Echo, Agora Financial, and Dedicated Emails. He’s also worked with well-known business leaders like Danette May, Ray Higdon, Chris Haddad, Alex Mandossian, Terry Dean, and Josh Bezoni. Ryan began managing email lists in 2015. He’s been in charge of sending hundreds of millions of emails since then, generating tens of millions of dollars in revenue for his clients. When Ryan’s not writing copy or managing email lists, you’ll find him taking care of his kids, reading classic literature, riding his recumbent bicycle, or spending quality time with his family.

Carloynn Smith-Jones

Owner & CEO Seven PR

I position clients as the leading experts in their industry and create powerful Sales, Marketing & PR strategies to grow their business and increase overall revenue. Other skillsets and services I offer for clients nationwide include: business development, project management, capital raising, and consulting.

Aleric heck

founder adoutreach

Aleric got his start on YouTube over 14 years ago by building AppFind which became the largest app review channel on the platform with over 500k+ subscribers. Now, at just 26 years old, he has built an 8-figure company, AdOutreach, where he empowers entrepreneurs to harness the power of value-driven video and grow their businesses on YouTube.


His clients have collectively generated multiple 9 figures in revenue, he has earned the coveted ClickFunnels 2CommaClub-X award, and his AdOutreach company has become the 60th fastest growing company in America featured in the INC 5000.

sam j. woods


Sam Woods, founder of Daring Robot (an applied AI studio), is building AI/ML tools and solutions that help businesses increase revenue and maximize profits with AI and ML. From copywriting prompts to fine-tuning custom models, Sam and his team continues to integrate AI and ML for clients who want to build a moat, get results faster, solve problems, develop their products or services, sell more, and dominate their industries. Sam got started with Machine Learning in 2016 and Generative AI in 2019, being on the forefront and pioneer of prompt engineering, custom fine-tuning, AI copywriting and marketing, as well as training Fortune 100 companies and teams across the world. 

Luis Diaz

ceo top 10 podcasts

My name is Luis Ryan Diaz, and entrepreneurs and fast-growing companies come to me when they want to launch their podcast or optimize and grow their existing show.


My team and I help produce and grow podcasts that attract you perfect listener.


Here’s how what we do and how we can help:


– Walk people through our 5 step Launch Domination Process to deliver a clear compelling show that attracts, retains and converts new traffic into fans and potential customers.


– Connect podcasters with key influencers in their space to instantly improve their credibility and positioning in their market.


– Identify unseen opportunities for growth with our free Domination Audits for podcasters who want to create new growth opportunities for exposure.


– Help influencers and thought leaders use podcasting as another qualified lead generation source in their marketing mix.


If you want to really connect then feel free to DM me here on Linkedin or book a call >>>


Andrew Horn


Forbes recently called Andrew Horn “Dale Carnegie for the digital age.” He is a relationship focused entrepreneur, speaker and executive coach.
He built his last company to 8-figures, millions of users and landed at #256 on the INC500 before stepping down to focus on coaching and growing the Relational Leadership Institute. 
Andrew helps high-impact entrepreneurs and executives to master a relationship-centric path to success, fulfillment and leadership excellence. He frequently speaks for organizations like Google, The Cleveland Clinic and he’s even been featured on the homepage of



Amish Shah is an entrepreneur and visionary with over 18 years of experience in developing innovative platforms, crafting impressive marketing campaigns, and creating scalable business growth models. His entrepreneurial journey has been marked by substantial achievements, including generating over $110M in D2C sales through his various ventures, selling two companies, and being featured thrice on Inc. 500’s list of fastest-growing companies in America.

Shah’s career took a transformative turn following a serious health challenge, leading him to immerse himself in ancient sciences. This profound exploration resulted in the creation of Deep Origins, a venture that resonates with 20 million people monthly across diverse media channels. His work in this field is highlighted by his award-winning documentary and platform, “The Natural Law,” which has garnered six film festival awards. This film not only chronicles his personal healing journey but also critically examines the Western medical system and underscores the power of harmonizing mind, body, and spirit.

In addition to his business acumen, Amish is deeply committed to personal development and holistic wellness. He holds a 200-hour Yoga Certification and multiple meditation certifications. Shah dedicates himself to inspiring and aiding others in achieving personal greatness, evident in his volunteer work, his non-profit organization, and the array of courses he offers. His life’s work stands as a testament to his belief in the transformative potential of uniting ancient wisdom with modern entrepreneurial spirit.

Tony Grebmeier


As a husband, father, friend, and serial entrepreneur, my current ventures include co-founding ShipOffers with my childhood friends and creator of the Be Fulfilled Brand. The journey to finding fulfillment is often filled with stories of stuff we never thought would happen. You may even feel like giving up entirely. That was my story until my friend John showed up and saved my life. Once that happened, I knew I wanted to give back. One of the companies I created from these lessons I’ve discovered over the past 24 years as an owner/operator was the Be Fulfilled Journal. This journal has enabled over 5000+ entrepreneurs to develop a fresh vision for their life and take action right away. As the host of the popular Be Fulfilled Podcast: The Real Stories Behind Success, I’ve been on a quest for the past four seasons to redefine how we determine success. It’s the perfect show for anyone on their journey to personal or professional fulfillment looking for some additional motivation on the climb up success mountain.

amber spears

Founder Four Rooms Mastermind

Amber Spears is a global leader, keynote speaker, highly sought after consultant, and one of the top leaders in the affiliate and partnership arena. 


Amber has spoken or been a keynote on stages like: Traffic and Conversion, Affiliate Summit East, Spark Live, Affiliate World, Mindshare, Facebook, and many others. Amber has created courses in partnership with major industry leaders like Kajabi, Digital Marketer, and Clickbank, that have helped thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world. 


Amber is a two-time award winning industry leader, named a “Top Marketer” by Digital Marketer, was in the film “Millionaire Within Her,” and has been featured on many top podcasts including: 7 Figure Entrepreneur, Strategic Profits, Digital Marketer, Hustle and Flowchart, Affiliated, and others, and is almost always asked to come back for repeat episodes and appearances due to her practical marketing advice, openness, and sense of humor.  


She has been called The Affiliate Marketing Guru, The Queen of Affiliate Marketing, and probably her most favorite nickname… Lady Gaga of Affiliate Marketing. She’s still not sure exactly what it means but it feels awesome to be compared to a superstar. 


Amber is the co-founder of East 5th Avenue, a world class affiliate management education and marketing company. East 5th Avenue has successfully recruited and placed over 100 affiliate managers, trained 2,500+ companies, and helped them generate over $530 million from their training methods. 


Amber is also the founder of the Four Rooms Mastermind, helping 7-9 figure entrepreneurs and brands increase their reach and revenue with relationships.



Expert copywriter and marketing conversion specialist. My clients call me “Mr. Moneyfingers” because of my almost-frightening ability to turn words into cold, hard cash.

Specialties: Direct response web copy, email autoresponders, product launch copywriting, sales letters, Audio and Video Script writing, marketing consulting.



Molly Mahoney (known as The Prepared Performer) is a Social Selling Innovator who specializes in creating authentic video content and leveraging organic social, AI, and chat automation marketing to skyrocket client sales.

After creating a video that reached one million people organically, she developed her signature “Go Live And Monetize” method. It combines her social media expertise, talent for scaling one-on-one relationships, and twenty years of performance experience on stages from New York to Las Vegas. Combining her social media expertise, and twenty years of performance experience on stages from New York to Las Vegas, her most recent viral video hit a reach of 39 million! Molly has been featured by, ManyChat, Social Media Marketing World, Traffic & Conversion Summit, Perry Belcher, Rich Schefren’s Steal our Winners, Inc magazine, Forbes, Entrepreneur and more.

Her Children’s book Finding My Awesome allows kiddos of all ages to celebrate their unique sense of awesome and live a life of confidence and joy.

When she’s not helping her clients attract a flood of leads, you can find her singing jazz with her bass-playing husband or teaching her kids #stand4joy from their home in California.

Selena Soo


Selena Soo is a publicity and marketing strategist for visionary entrepreneurs, experts, and authors who want to reach millions with their message.

She’s helped clients and students get featured in places like OThe Oprah Magazine, Forbes, and Inc., and land interviews on popular podcasts and national TV. Many of Selena’s clients have become industry leaders with 7-figure businesses, raving fan bases, and hundreds of thousands of followers.

Her signature approach comes down to building powerful and long-lasting relationships with influencers and the media in a thoughtful, authentic way.

Selena has been featured in magazines and websites like ForbesFast Company, Inc., Business Insider, EntrepreneurSuccess, and The Huffington Post. She has been a guest on podcasts like Entrepreneur On FireSmart Passive Income, and Mixergy. She lives in Puerto Rico.



Tamar Hermes founded Wealth Building Concierge, an initiative dedicated to empowering ambitious women to build wealth through savvy real estate investments and strategic financial planning. Her financial journey is a testament to her expertise, having built an 8-figure portfolio from the ground up and successfully supporting clients nationwide in achieving their financial goals. Tamar is currently focused on an ambitious $20 million modular home project in Austin, combining upscale living with affordability, setting a new standard in the real estate market.

As the author of the best-seller “The Millionairess Mentality: A Professional Women’s Guide to Building Wealth through Real Estate,” Tamar has established herself as an authority on wealth building and real estate investment. Her insights and success stories earned her a spot on the pages of Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Austin Women’s Magazine, and Bigger Pockets. Tamar currently lives in Austin with her husband of 23 years and is gearing up for a nomadic lifestyle later this year when she sends her youngest off to college.



Joshua B. Lee, also known as the “Dopamine Dealer of LinkedIn”, is a seasoned entrepreneur, author, and a crusader for authentic human connection in the digital arena. With 16 lucrative businesses and the book, ‘Balance is Bullsh*t’ under his belt, Joshua’s journey is shared with his blended family, including the incomparable Rachel B. Lee and their cherished children, Jayden, Skylar, and Ava B. Lee.In the early 2000s, Joshua propelled clients like MySpace, Yahoo, and Google to stellar heights, managing nearly a billion in ad spends to achieve 35 trillion online impressions. Yet, as digital spaces grew more automated, the essence of human touch dwindled.Seeking authenticity, Joshua founded Standout Authority in 2014, aiming to humanize personal brands. Through it, he aids high-powered entrepreneurs and professionals in crafting remarkable content and seizing massive opportunities on LinkedIn, the professional realm’s epitome. Standout Authority’s mission transcends business metrics, aspiring to help individuals stand out, inspire hearts, and evoke positive global change, all while preserving the soul’s essence.Joshua’s efforts have led to collaborations with luminaries like Joe Polish, Dan Sullivan, and John C. Maxwell, and enterprises like Oracle, Gartner, and ADT. Joshua B. Lee remains a digital realm beacon, showcasing the blend of business success with genuine human connection.



Matthew is a conversion rate optimization and analytics guru specializing in scaling small to medium-sized businesses to their next level. With more than 10 years of e-commerce experience, he has built and led multidisciplinary teams to 10s of millions of dollars in conversion wins for some of the largest online retailers in the country. Matthew is also a huge local food advocate, avid rock climber, a practitioner of parkour, and has just started fencing… if you have a cool skill, let’s swap!

DR. Gabrielle Lyon


Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is a Washington University fellowship-trained physician in Nutritional Science and Geriatrics and is board certified in Family Medicine. Dr. Lyon is the founder of the Institute for Muscle Centric-Medicine™ and services the leaders, innovators, mavericks, and executives in their prospective fields. In addition, Gabrielle works closely with the Special Operations Military and has a private practice that services patients worldwide.

Lavinia Errico

FOUNDER equinox

Lavinia Errico, the visionary founder behind Equinox fitness clubs and the Inside Out Movement, is a nationally acclaimed workplace and wellness entrepreneur and a speaker of essential truths in value-driven entrepreneurship, developing next-generation leadership, the women-led workplace, spiritual entrepreneurship, keeping the soul in success, the habits of success, building your brand, culture shifts, and joy in the hustle. 


A sought-after board member, consultant, and angel investor in diverse startup companies across a multitude of industries, Errico inspires and transforms individuals and organizations with her unique and often disruptive take on how to create a richer, more authentic, inspiring, and joyful career and life journey.

Nanilea Diamond


NaniLea Diamond is the co-founder of ALIVE and has worked with over 40,000 people over the last 10 years with offices in both Marin County and Beverly Hills, California. She has her doctorate in Chiropractic and specializes in Network Care. 


She has studied alongside Dr. Donny Epstein for the last 2 decades in Epi-Energetics (which has been called the epitome of mind/body/spirit work) and is certified at the highest level. Nanilea has also studied with Ariel Spilsbury, author and creator of the 13 Divine Feminine Archetypes and draws from the Priestess lineage of feminine wisdom.



Brady Slack is an Entrepreneur, Investor, Consultant, Speaker, and Managing Partner at High Country Finance, LLC, a full service tax and accounting firm based in Lehi, Utah. 

My purpose is to be a resource that helps everyone experience wealth, all while paying the fewest taxes possible. I have started and grown multiple businesses to 7+ figures and gone through 8-figure funding rounds with venture capital, both personally and in advisory roles with clients. However, my greatest accomplishment is my family. I love being a husband and father! 

As an advisor, I have trained other tax professionals, coached individuals in real estate investing programs, and advised or engaged with other investment and syndication platforms. My team also actively works with hundreds of businesses across the country, improving their business and personal financial, investment, and tax growth strategies. 

We focus on helping a wide variety of business and investment activities from E-Comm to Real Estate, Home Service Companies (Solar, Pest Control, Roofing, HVAC, etc.), Farming, Agriculture, and more. Our clients make anywhere from $250,000 to $30M+.


Chief copywriter the copy alchemist

Pauline Longdon is an author, A-list copywriter, and marketing strategist. She specializes in Emotional Direct Response and Cognizant Copy.  Pauline’s superpower is infusing her copy with empathy and authenticity. 

As a copywriter, she’s been trained by the “who’s who” of the copywriting and marketing world. 

Her background as a Registered Nurse and an Army Major gives her a rich source of life experience. She uses her life experience to keep her finger on “the pulse of humanity.” And that’s what gives her and the copy she writes a unique depth and richness. 

In the last 4 years she has done over 3,500 copy critiques and reviews. She works with her clients to optimize their copy and copy teams.



As the co-founder of ATTN Labs, I help growth stage eCommerce brands (10-100m arr) scale their new customer acquisition.

We do this through relentless problem solving, focused on driving new customer acquisition.

This means relentlessly testing campaings and tracking results.


Looks like this:

↳clear reporting & communication

↳incrementality focused marketing

↳real-time reporting with your team

↳solving your problems (not the ones we’ve decided are important)


We’ve worked with some of the fastest growing brands of 2022-2023 in these categories:

↳ retail

↳food & Bev




We like to work closely with a select group of clients.


This allows us to work with them on:


↳ creative development

↳ influencer recruiting and whitelisting

↳ thoughtful channel expansion

↳ retention, upsell/crosss-sell programs

↳ product bundling and offer creation

Matt Paulson

Founder marketbeat

Matt Paulson is the founder of MarketBeat, an active angel investor, and a champion for startup businesses.

Matt Paulson is the founder and CEO of MarketBeat, an Inc. 5000 financial media company that empowers individual investors to make better trading decisions with real-time financial data, in-depth market analysis, and best-in-class stock research tools. MarketBeat has been recognized by Barron’s, Entrepreneur, Financial Times, Forbes, and Inc. for its rapid growth and success. With more than 3.5 million subscribers, MarketBeat is the largest digital media company in the Dakotas.

As one of the most active venture capital investors in the Midwest, Matt has invested in more than 80 high-growth technology companies including Buffer, Bushel, Density, Dollar Shave Club, Lyft, Prismatic, and Wikia. His venture capital firm, Homegrown Capital, makes early-stage investments in high-growth AgTech, FinTech, and SaaS companies. He currently serves on the boards of two technology startups, Pitchly and Prismatic. Matt also invests in commercial real estate as a general partner at Cresten Capital, including ownership interests in more than 30 apartment complexes and retail centers.

Matt cares deeply about the Sioux Falls community and has made significant philanthropic investments to grow the region’s startup ecosystem, enhance community amenities, and support Christian ministries. Most notably, he founded Startup Sioux Falls in 2019 and is the namesake for Dakota State University’s Paulson Cyber Incubator and Entrepreneurial Center. He has served on a variety of community and non-profit boards, including Falls Community Growth PAC, the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, March of Dimes, the Riverline District, Sioux Falls Seminary, and Startup Sioux Falls.

Matt lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with his wife, Karine, their two children, Micah and Adylin, and their family dog, Mindy.


CEO /Beautyboss

I help people succeed in E-commerce
$300 Million+, 4 Million+ Orders @ShineOn
Creator of the World’s Most Engaged E-commerce Group
FaceBook==> ShineOn Profits On-Demand

I want to live in a world where books come bundled with grass-fed butter coffee and horses have replaced cars but we can still beam down wifi from our phones. In the future I believe we’ll all be artists……..I envision a caste system based on the quality and reach of one’s Art in an otherwise fully-automated environment.

David Bayer

CEO Whole Human

David Bayer is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and CEO of David Bayer Transformational Programs, an Inc #171 global coaching and training company focused on helping entrepreneurs, organizations and individuals harness the maximum power of human performance, intelligence, and potential.

David and his wife Carol have built an organization from $0 to $25M in the last 7 years while helping tens of thousands of entrepreneurs and individuals via their live events, digital courses, coaching, and certification programs. Inc. and Success Magazine named David ‘a leading expert on both mindset and business strategy’ making David a unique resource and mentor for individuals who truly want to achieve their full potential.

His annual event The Powerful Living Experience was named by Inc. as ‘a Top 3 must attend personal development event.’

Sam Skelly

Founder & CEO Pause Breathwork

My mission – helping people unlock their infinite potential though breathwork.

Breathwork changed my life at a time where I didn’t see the light – I found it while on a soul searching journey in Bali – yes, it’s verrrrrry ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ of me… 😉

Since I felt the power of the breath and it helped me heal my anxiety & disordered eating, I knew it was my mission to share the power of the breath with the world…

Pause Breathwork is the largest online educator for people to become Certified Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitators.

We have thousands of trained facilitators in 27 countries around the world.

& we are just getting started… 😉

My next big focus is making breathwork accessible & affordable to humanity, worldwide.

I am in the process of building our impact-focused aligned team to scale our mobile app so ease, freedom & liberation is as easy as a click of a button.

You’re one breath away…

Where The Magic Happens

This wouldn’t be a Four Rooms Big Annual Event if we didn’t go all out with a lush 5-star venue in a dream location.

This year, we’re hosting our event at CONRAD ORLANDO, where you’ll get:

  • 4 nights at a luxurious 5-star hotel
  • Finger-licking delicious food
  • Lush 20-acre saltwater lagoon to hang out by the water
  • The newest and top-rated golf courses in Florida
  • Exceptional kid’s club on the property
  • Right next to Disney World so your family can join you and have fun while you are growing your business and your network!

And the best part?

Your ticket includes everything!


Your hotel room, meals with the group, drinks of all kinds, activities, curated content, expert group tables and more. 


That’s right! We’ll take care of everything, so all you need to do is show up and have fun.

See the caliber of people that join us...

Spencer Burnett


Michael Jordan

Bad Marketing

Scott Rewick

The Digital Advisors

Matthew Barnes

Proteus Digital Lab

Ken Krell

Seagrass Media

Michael Diamond

Founder & CEO
IgKnight The King

Eddie Maalouf

Founder & CEO
Bad Marketing

Kayvon Kay

The Sales Connection

Wendi Makuch

Strategic Partnerships Manager

Jake Wood

Account Excecutive

David Bayer

Bayer Management

Reginald Bray

Supplement Marketing Consultant
Yosef Marketing

Tammy Pham

Conscious Partners

Jana Gavin


Jordan Cobb


Nayri Geary

iRollie Marketing, LLC

Chris Van Loan II

Founder & Content Director
Van Loan Film Co.

Haafiz Dossa


Marcus Willson

Founder, COO
The Sales Connection

Michele Drielick


Jennifer Hudye

Vision Driven Global and Conscious Copy & Co

Eric Berman

Brandetize & Speakeasy Mastermind

Barton Scott

Upgraded Formulas

Shaun Bull

American Alternative Assets

Shanon Davis

Co-Founder CEO
American Alternative Assets

Scott Smoliak


Theresa Depasquale

Capture Social Group

Mary Agnes Antonopoulos

Chief Marketing Officer
Viral Integrity Digital Marketing / Copy Agency

Kevin Ellis

Bone Coach

Josh Noble

Vice President of Sales

End of content

Load More

DECEMBER 15th TO 18th

To be finalized when we receive all intake forms so we can customize the entire event for you.

DAY 1 | Friday, November 15th
Tuesday, December 5th
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Welcome Hangout Day
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Check-In & Badge Pick Up (Lobby)
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Welcome Cocktails + Icebreakers
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Social Flow with Andrew Horn
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
BBQ Dinner & Live Music

Welcome Hangout Day

Members Learning and Celebration Lunch

New Community Member Welcome Cocktail Hour

Welcome Dinner With Assigned Seats

Tuesday, December 5th
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Welcome Hangout Day
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Check-In & Badge Pick Up (Lobby)
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Welcome Cocktails + Icebreakers
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Social Flow with Andrew Horn
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
BBQ Dinner & Live Music

Expert Speaker Sessions

Breakout Rooms

Expert Small Group Sessions

Partnership Party (orchestrated networking session: meet vetted vendors, potential partners, new clients, and close amazing deals)

Podcast Studios Open For Recording

3rd Annual Talent Show

Tuesday, December 5th
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Welcome Hangout Day
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Check-In & Badge Pick Up (Lobby)
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Welcome Cocktails + Icebreakers
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Social Flow with Andrew Horn
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
BBQ Dinner & Live Music

Expert Speaker Sessions

Breakout Rooms

Expert Small Group Sessions

Podcast Studios Open For Recording

Super Hero Bingo

Tuesday, December 5th
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Welcome Hangout Day
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Check-In & Badge Pick Up (Lobby)
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Welcome Cocktails + Icebreakers
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Social Flow with Andrew Horn
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
BBQ Dinner & Live Music

World Famous Mimosa Brunch

Hangout and Connection Day

Final Dinner

WARNING: This Event Sells Out Every Year

Tickets are extremely limited and they will go fast, so if you’re ready to:


  • Meet other incredible 7, 8, and 9-figure entrepreneurs and learn the secrets of becoming a leader in your niche…
  • Talk 1:1 with the industry-leading experts who can shave years off of your learning curve in minutes…
  • Build meaningful and authentic relationships with our community of visionaries who are elevating the mastermind game…
  • Gain more profit, more revenue, more wealth and more influence than you could ever have imagined…
  • Spend 4 days in a lush venue with all expenses paid and have a great time with your new entrepreneurial family…

Lock in your spot now before all tickets are gone.

*This event is strictly vetted and requires a minimum (verifiable) yearly revenue of $1,000,000.

P.S. – If you are reading this, we haven’t sold out yet – so grab your ticket now.

Once we’re sold out, we are sold out, and can’t fit anyone else in due to the advanced customization and attention to detail we provide for each attendee.

P.P.S – Don’t guilt yourself out of investing in this experience.

Stepping back from the battle occasionally to look at the entire battlefield is critical to growing a business and avoiding catastrophe.

Remember you are hanging out with the top marketers, experts and attendees in the space.

Grab your spot now and join the 1%.



Get a glimpse of the exciting experiences that we have to offer. We are committed to create engaging and memorable events, and we hope they will inspire you to join us for our next upcoming event

ouR valued partners